Marimba Music Sales List
Books - Physical Book (Australia Only) eBook (International & Australia)
Classics Simplified (Book and Download)
$50.00 AUD BUY
$34.95 USD BUY
Marimba Music 1 (Book and Download)
$50.00 AUD BUY
$34.95 USD BUY
Marimba Music 2 (Book and CD/Download)
$50.00 BUY
$34.95 USD BUY
Marimba Music for Little Kids (Book and CD/Download)
$50.00 BUY
$34.95 USD BUY
Marimba Songs (Book and CD/Download)
$60.00 BUY
$44.95 USD BUY
Make Your Own Marimbas
$35.00 BUY
$29.95 USD BUY
Make Your Own Wacky Instruments
$40.00 BUY
$34.95 USD BUY
(Australia Only)
Email Marimba Music
International Book Sales:
U.S.A. and Canada- Beatin Path Publications
 All other countries - Optimum
Marimba Products - Within Australia Only
Tuned set of marimba bars
(finished with lettering)
(Bass marimba sets are the same price)
Three player box-resonated marimba
(with beaters)
African sound 3 player marimba (pipe-resonated) $1800.00
Bass Marimba $1800.00
'Marimba band' bass marimba (with bench) $2000.00
Set of beaters for 3 player marimba (8 beaters) $100.00
Set of beaters for bass marimba (4 beaters) $100.00
Marimba products are manufactured by Jon Madin.
To order click on the email link on the right.

Please note:

Freight costs for marimbas are substantial.

Marimba Music will deliver complete marimbas to Greater Melbourne and Central Victoria only.

Other purchasers will need to organise delivery themselves.

Sets of bars, beaters and books can be mailed. Postage and handling costs are extra.

Prices include GST within Australia.

Email Marimba

© Copyright 2001 - 2010 Marimba Music